Monday, 19 October 2015

Outside the Box - Development 01

So for the past month I've been working on Outside the Box, a collaborative game being developed for mobile. It has been making steady progress and thought I would share a little of what it's about.

First off, Outside the box is a puzzle game that features 3d mazes and random maze generation. These are presented as two separate game modes. The 3d mazes will be level based and will give the same experience to every player. We hope to achieve 50 or so levels before release. The random maze is a re-playable mode with each creation of the level being a new maze and each new maze expanding by 1 unit to the width and height. Below is a short video demonstrating the random maze generation.

Preview of the random maze generation

The game is making great progress and I hope I can release it by the end of this year. All that's left is to create the rest of the 3d mazes, 3 have been completed so far, and work on a variety of cube skins and backgrounds. These can be purchased with the coins collected throughout the game.
Hungryum Games Developer

Hungryum Games is an Australian indie video game developer based in Perth, Western Australia. Founded in 2009, Hungryum Games has been releasing a variety of online games and is currently developing for the mobile market.